Now that I'm back home nearly everything I read makes sense. I can walk into just about any restaurant and make sense of the menu, no more taking the waitress to the tables of my fellow diners so I can grunt and point. Unfortunately for me even the conversations of passersby now make sense. At least all of the T-shirts slogans I see make sense. All of them except mine. When I ran out of clean shirts in Chongqing I went on the hunt for the goofiest, most inane T-shirts I could find. A fool's errand? Not in China, everybody wears them. I now have a golf shirt that says,
Golf: The Purpose of the golf link to urnamen is to adsance the game of golf
None of these shirts was purchased in shady knock-off joints, they were all bought at a French based chain Carrefour.
I'm going to be getting some strange looks this summer because I'm going to be a walking billboard for men's fashion in China.

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